Day 2  

Posted by Tami in

Hosea 8:7

For they sow the wind,
and they shall reap the whirlwind.
The standing grain has no heads;
it shall yield no flour;
if it were to yield,
strangers would devour it.

I must remember this, when temptation comes- putting my faith in anything other than the Living God is like sowing wind... and when it is fully grown I reap the whirlwind.  I don't want to work hard at harvesting a tornado that will disastrously rip apart my life.

This morning is hard, because I have a horrible headache that I had all day yesterday, too.  I think it's sleep deprivation- I've gone from sleeping anywhere from 8-12 hours a night to suddenly two days in a row of 6-7.  My time spent with Jesus was difficult because I was so tired and in a lot of pain and as I prayed I would catch myself falling asleep.

Usually I guiltily lumber through and wish I could sleep and feel annoyed that this is what I'm doing instead, giving up time for God.  Today I cried out to Him, asking for His help, because I want to draw near to Him and know Him; I know now that the greater sacrifice is to ignore Him because that's what makes my life empty.  To spend time with Him is to know genuine joy and peace, and freedom from the tornadoes that I have been reaping for far, far too long.

What's the point of growing wheat if you can't make bread?  And what is the point of working hard to grow a crop with no nutritional value, only to see someone else devour the little edible bits you may have gleaned?  I must continually remember this, to cling to God's word that His word alone is an endless buffet of rich foods, and that He alone brings satisfaction.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at Tuesday, August 19, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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